
Showing posts from December, 2024

How I spend my time in Madurai - DAY - 8

Hello!  How was your day? Did you spend it well  you know that today is the last day for this year 2024 ! . I hope you enjoy your day. As for me I enjoy alot. I want to share with you about my today's enjoyments . Me and my friends  from MCC were leading the worship service for the day. The songs we choose for the worship service were like : 1)." When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound ",  2)." Goodness of God ",  3). " What a friend  we have in Jesus "..  We really did the praise and worship and we got a praise from Mr. Peter Christopher. The audience really enjoy and like it.  Through the speaker, I learned a lot of new things which will be useful in my daily life. I made a commitment to apply it in my life. Some important sub - topics that she taught to us are like: 1).Embracing groundless.  2). Pain is the doorway 3).The power of the pause.  According to me, "Pain is the doorway " is the most important and w...

How I spend my time in Madurai - DAY - 7

Hello!  Nice to see you again. At first, I would like to thanks God for helping me to overcome any circumstances that I faced recently. Today's topic was social media and it's advantages and disadvantages as well as it's uses. Social media is nothing but it's a plateform or tools that allow user to create, share, etc. and social net working sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc Advantages of social media is that it helps us to make and receive calls, locations. It also helps us to order things and helps us to entertain ourselves by songs, cinema, video games. Mobile phone also function as a laptop, calculator, torch, camera, etc.  Disadvantages of Mobile phone in social media is it affects out concentration power, health and sometimes leads to nightmares. It also affects our relationship with our parents, relatives, friends, etc. Spending too much time on social media's leads to distraction and affects our health like dizzyness, indigestion, not gett...

How I spend my time in Madurai - DAY - 6

Today, I would like to share a very important topics that had told to us by our speaker maam Cynthia. The topic is Psychological dimension. This psychological dimension are of three types. They are the emotional dimension, volitional dimension and lastly the rational dimension.  In simple terms, emotion can be defined as moving experience. 1). The emotional dimension can be understand in two ways.  a) . In terms of duration.  Emotion  -  mood  -  disposition.  b) . In terms of intensity/ degree.  Feelings  -  emotions  -  passion.  Emotions are spontaneous and natural, experienced subjectivity, expresses externally and caused by a stimulus.  2). Volitional dimension can be defined as the ability to choose, free will, purpose and goal, decided on a direction and exert control. The problems arise are like lost the ability to choose, unidentified purpose, wrong goal and self protective impulses. 3). Lastly, we have ...

How I spend my time in Madurai - Day - 5

How are you? Doning fine! right? Hope you are fine. How did you celebrated your Christmas Day, is it amazing? But, I'm having a little bit cold and fever. Long time ago, I wanted to share you about the purpose of our life, but I don't have the courage to tell you. On this very good and cool morning, I have the courage to tell you. So, PRAISE THE LORD.  Each one of us have our own perspective about the purpose of our life. I believed each one of us perspective will be very different from one another. But I would like to share my opinion. We all are created by having a purpose by our creator. His purpose is our purpose. For instance, there is hammar, saw, grinder, nails, etc in one box. Each of them have their purpose. If hammar did saw works, there will not be able to finished their jobs as they have their uses and they all have their purpose. It will lead to collaps at anytime. But, If nails motivate  hammar and goes on then, they will be able to finished their jobs.  Lik...

How I spend my time in Madurai -DAY - 3 and 4

Hello!  Nice to meet you again. I want to tell you all, the way how I spend my time in day 3 and was amazing and beautifully spend. I hope, you all eager to know, right? I want you to know that it's all related to God as I am in the Spiritual camp At first, I didn't even know how to have a personal quiet time. But, on the third day, l learn how to have a personal quiet time by following some conditions like finding a silent and a peaceful place. Morning is the best and fix a specific time. Activities like quiten your mind by closing your eyes for 3 -5 minutes. Start with a prayer, listen some worshiped song and read the word God from the bible. The maximum is one chapter from the scripture of the bible. Identify your raction / action, if God speak to you...  On the fourth day i,e: today morning, I practically did the personal quiet time by following the conditions that I have mentioned. When I had a prayer, I feel the presence of God in Me even though he didn't speak t...

How I spend my time in Madurai - Day - 2

I had a good sleep as the next day is Christmas. I woke up at 7 AM in the morning. I had a silent worshiped alone at the corner of the campus. After having silent worshiped, I had  dosa as a breakfast. The way I spend Christmas Day with my friends is awsome, amazing and beautiful.  The way we celebrated cristmas day is divided into four session. The first session is about the persons who we're involved for Christmas theatre like Mary, Joseph,Shepherds, King Herod,etc. At first,we had an oppening prayer which is done by Mr. Jay Kumar and praise and worshiped by LMC (Lourds Martha College). We had a bible reading from both old Testament and new Testament. The speaker is Dr. Rajen Prashad. He said that when your life is messed up........ God is trying to bring our attention to him, God has a better blan for us and  God wants us to trust him with all our hear. In the second session, we had a small games and funny activities which is led by Mrs. Ruby Prakash. He (s...

How I spend my time in Madurai -Day-1

The first day of how I spend my time in Madurai is beautiful and amazing. In the morning, I wake up at around 6:30 AM and then,  I help the cooks by making chapati. At first I somehow fell diffcult but after making two or three chapati, I really enjoyed.I walk around the Devashanti campus as I will be staying the whole holiday. I had breakfast with my friends which I made with my friends while helping the cooks.  The day programme is divided into four session. The first session is storm which is used as a metaphore and it focus on how to overcome every difficulties that we face in our life. The speech is given by Mr. Peter. The second session is given by his wife Mrs. Sophia which is about carrier guidance. The third session topic is empathy and it deals with how to express our fear, feelings, etc. After this, I plug gooseberry and tamarind with my friends and then I played volleyball. The fourth session is about condition of humanity, cried of humanity, and the speech is give...

A trip to Madurai

Hello!  How are you? Are you all good? I hope you all are doing fine. I am also fine here. As Christmas is approaching very near, how is your preparation for celebrating the Christmas event. Me too, I went to Madurai , in order to spend Christmas event and to attend the spiritual camp, which is organized by my sponsorshiped ( NMC- National Mission Consultation). I always feel uneasy traveling as I always have motion sickness but yesterday was different from the other days.  It was really very hot and sunny the day when I went to Madurai as it was yesterday. All the 21 Manipur students from our college went together. We wait together and went together by train. The trips is started  from 20:30 PM till, 9:30 PM. While traveled by train, I saw lots of things that I had never seen before as I was sitting near the winsow.It includes their crop rotation , like some of them are just finished planted ,while some of them are time for harvesting. Also like lakes and a wonderful sto...

Thanks giving

Hello!  A very good morning to each and everyone who read my daily blog. I hope you all are doing fine. I believe you all are busy with house decoration, church decoration, etc. as Christmas is approaching very near. Today, I want to share the things that I had received which I didn't deserved.  The reason why I used thanks giving as the topic is because , during this holidays from Saturday night till Monday, our college principal, Dr P Wilson; Dean of the students and our professor who always provides breakfast, lunch and dinner. I want to thank them for always supporting us in many different ways. Especially, the professor who sponsored our lunch on Sunday. In terms of difficulties, happiness and sadness, they are always ready to help us in many different ways and I am very happy with that because I had never received such kind of love in my life.  I hope each and everyone understand what I meant and what I want to say. Hope to see you all on the next blog.  WISH Y...

Fellowship in EBC Church at Teynampet

Hello!  It's nice to meet you again , in my daily blog. I hope, you all be doing fine. Here,I want to share about the fellowship that I had today in EBCC at Teynampet.EBCC stands for Evangelical Baptist Convention Church, and it is my denomination in my place in Manipur. It is difficult to visit the Church on every sunday as it is far enough from Tambaram. But, today I went with my Manipur friends.  Today is Annual Day Cum-Graduation programme and is especially meant for BCD (Baptist Children Department). The programme went well. The Pastor , have a prayer for the BCD , and give a short and inspiring message , to the audience, and he , usually focus on the young kid and young man. He said that young kid/ young man are worth than GOLD. He also said that GOD always love more young kid than adult. The teachers of the young kid conduct a competition on bible recitation and solo. They divided the young kid into two category. Category one include both beginner A and B an...

Campus walk

Hi!  How are you? Doing fine, right? I hope! you all are doing fine. Today , I feel too bored in staying in my room as I am alone . This is because winter vocation has started and everyone went to their home town/ native place. As for me, going to my native place is not easy task as it costs lots of money.  In order to refresh my mind, I decided to go for a walk,  around  the MCC (Madras Christian College) campus. But, it is difficult to complete the  walk,  the whole campus as the campus is too large. There are many different kinds of trees including tamarind trees and animals like deer, peacock, different kinds of birds, and even monkey can be found in this MCC campus. If I'm not mistaken, there are lots of place for people, who are interested in sports. This campus has a good scenario especially in the morning.  I After observing and walking through all these things , I am very happy and glad to be one of the student of this  MCC . I hope, you ...