How I spend my time in Madurai - Day - 2
I had a good sleep as the next day is Christmas. I woke up at 7 AM in the morning. I had a silent worshiped alone at the corner of the campus. After having silent worshiped, I had dosa as a breakfast. The way I spend Christmas Day with my friends is awsome, amazing and beautiful.
The way we celebrated cristmas day is divided into four session. The first session is about the persons who we're involved for Christmas theatre like Mary, Joseph,Shepherds, King Herod,etc. At first,we had an oppening prayer which is done by Mr. Jay Kumar and praise and worshiped by LMC (Lourds Martha College). We had a bible reading from both old Testament and new Testament. The speaker is Dr. Rajen Prashad. He said that when your life is messed up........ God is trying to bring our attention to him, God has a better blan for us and God wants us to trust him with all our hear.
In the second session, we had a small games and funny activities which is led by Mrs. Ruby Prakash. He (speaker) said "why do we lived in this world "and what are the difficulties that we face when trying to fulfil the purpose of our life? It is due to social media,desire,financial crisis, temptation, lazyness and addiction like physical,mental and technological addiction. But, he said we lived in this world as God created us to show his love, kind, and care and we are beautiful made.
The third session is about peer pressure. The speech is delivered by Mrs. Evangeline. "Don't try too hard to fit in, you are born to stand out. She told us, how to handle peer pressure.She said Peer pressure can be handle by stand strong in God, let your friends know where you stand and find, light minded friends.
The fourth session is about death and the message was delivered by Dr. Richard Samuel. He said, for games like foothball, the time is visible but for life, it is invisible.He said, it is necessary to know the purpose of our life since we didn't know at what age we will die. He gaves us a very good example like a mother and a son where the son get an accident while going for work. The mother doesn't understand as she believed that her son is still young and have lots of work to do but, later understand that people can die at anytime.
In conclusion, I want everyone who read my daily blog to know the reason why we celebrated Christmas, the purpose of our life, how to handle peer pressure as we human can die at any time .As for death, it doesn't pass anyone. I hope ,you all understand, see you on the next blog.
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