How I spend my time in Madurai - DAY - 6
Today, I would like to share a very important topics that had told to us by our speaker maam Cynthia. The topic is Psychological dimension. This psychological dimension are of three types. They are the emotional dimension, volitional dimension and lastly the rational dimension.
In simple terms, emotion can be defined as moving experience.
1). The emotional dimension can be understand in two ways.
a) . In terms of duration.
Emotion - mood - disposition.
b) . In terms of intensity/ degree.
Feelings - emotions - passion.
Emotions are spontaneous and natural, experienced subjectivity, expresses externally and caused by a stimulus.
2). Volitional dimension can be defined as the ability to choose, free will, purpose and goal, decided on a direction and exert control. The problems arise are like lost the ability to choose, unidentified purpose, wrong goal and self protective impulses. 3). Lastly, we have rational - thinking dimension. It can be defined as gaining knowledge and understansing, reasoning, problem solving, creative thinking, intellectual search. One thinking are happening due to multiple reasons. The problem arise are like distorted thinking, defensive thinking, rigid thinking and foolish thinking.
All these are the notes that I made during her session. In case, if there is any mistakes that I made on making notes. Please, feel free and do mention on the comments . I will be very happy, if you so mention.
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