How I spend my time in Madurai - DAY - 7

Nice to see you again. At first, I would like to thanks God for helping me to overcome any circumstances that I faced recently. Today's topic was social media and it's advantages and disadvantages as well as it's uses. Social media is nothing but it's a plateform or tools that allow user to create, share, etc. and social net working sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc

Advantages of social media is that it helps us to make and receive calls, locations. It also helps us to order things and helps us to entertain ourselves by songs, cinema, video games. Mobile phone also function
as a laptop, calculator, torch, camera, etc. 

Disadvantages of Mobile phone in social media is it affects out concentration power, health and sometimes leads to nightmares. It also affects our relationship with our parents, relatives, friends, etc. Spending too much time on social media's leads to distraction and affects our health like dizzyness, indigestion, not getting enough sleeps.It also shorten our life span. Finally, it can ruins our future. 

Over all I want to concluded my topic by saying ,uses of mobile phone in good ways gaves us a bright future as it helps us in our education lifes and in many ways.But, I wants you to remember that misused of mobile phone in our daily life can ruins our future. So, I wants you to decide the ways you use your mobile phone wisely and carefully. 


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