Nihao ( hello ) guys !

Today, while I was sitting on my room, there is something that always distract me in whatever I do and I would like to share you guys. It is nothing but play a very important role in day to day life. That is Mobile phone . Even though I don't know much about Mobile phone, I would like to share some of my opinions 

What is Mobile phone? Mobile phone is an electronic device that uses cellular technology to make and receive calls, send text messages ,etc. I believe, without Mobile phone, the new generation will not be able to survive because through Mobile phone we can do whatever we want.

For example, if we want to buy something we order through online by pressing our Mobile phone. If we want to learn something new, it's on Mobile phone. Everything is on Mobile phone and it makes our life easier.

But, there is something which needs to be look after / take care. That is how we use our Mobile phone. The way we use our Mobile phone plays and important the most. If we use it on time and on the right way, it will helps us to achieve our goals for sure but if we misused and get addicted, it will ruin our life. Mostly, our future depends on how we use our Mobile phone.

I want to conclude by asking a question. How did we use our Mobile phone. Is it on the right way or on the wrong way. If it's on the wrong way, let's try to take a step and make it right away before it's too late.

Xie xie ni ( thank you ). See you all on my next blog.


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