Hello guys,
Let's start my blog again.
Today is very special day for the Zomi people as today is the Zomi Nam Ni ( Zomi National Day) and is celebrated on the 20th day of february every year since 1940 in different countries. The day is observed as a day of love, peace, unity, Deleverence and remembrance of the Zomi history.
The Zomi Nam Ni is about the end of colonialism and imperialism and to mark the liberation of Zoland from the British rule. For this reason, the 20 th day of february is set aside and being observed as the Zomi National Day.
Zomi Nam Ni is celebrated with traditional dances , music, food, cultural events, gathering and showcasing the rich heritage of the Zomi community and with musical knights.
Today, here in Chennai, the 77 th Zomi Nam Ni ( Zomi National Day) is also celebrated at Sir Pt Thiyagrayar Kalaiyarangam at T.Nagar and was organized by the ZYA Chennai region. The Zomi people who lives here in Chennai gather there and celebrated the Zomi Nam Ni. Me and my friends also went there to celebrate as we are also a part of the Zomi community. We have lots of joy and we enjoy the programme . When we see our people there, we feel like we are in our home town as many people lives here and it makes no difference.
Hope you all enjoy reading this blog . Thank you to everyone for reading my daily blog.
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