Hello guys, let's start my blog again for today. 

My day started at 7 : 30 AM in the morning. I took a bath and then went to college . Today, I got good news as well as bad news and right now I am in a position of questioning myself. The day is going well until I got a message from my relatives. Today, I attend all the class hour except BT class as an important lecture is going on in the department . The first hour was taken by Prof. Deepa and we talk about the story of Dr. Faustus and we see how he was happy about the black magic as he himself have power in hell. The second hour was handle by prof. Samuel Rufus and he taught us about the importance of diary writing and another important that he taught to us was through your potential, people will look your performance. These are some important things that he taught to us. Then, we have a short break. During the break me and one of my friends went to Dean of International Affairs to get newspaper. The third hour was Christian studies and was handle by Prof. MSJ and he taught us about the way how the disciples of Jesus died. The fourth hour was handle by Prof. David Wesley and we discuss one poem " Telephone Conversation "  by Wole Soyinka. His class was always full of interesting and funny. 

In the afternoon, me and some of my friends from Margaret Hall and Bishop Heber Hall went to West Tambaram to send some important documents on speed post. At around 4: 45 PM, me and one of my friends went to our Library. In the library, I practices how to touch computer and one of my work is here. It might looks funny, but it's my first work through computer. 


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